Resolvi estrear como Blogger. Tem tanta gente interessante “bloggeando” que resolvi entrar nessa onda. Antes tarde do que nunca. Uma auto-terapia... Uma observação... Aqui vou colocar de tudo. Textos, texturas, sensuras... senso... sensitive... Blog é para ser assim mesmo. Né não? Por que "S"ensura? Porque gosto do som do "S". Sentido, sexo, sensação, sorrir, saliva, sabor, ssssssss... Vamos colocar maisss "S"`s em nossa vida. :) Divirtam-se!
terça-feira, 29 de junho de 2010
Uma que eu adoro!

Yes, she talks...

She never mentions the word addiction
in certain company
yes, she'll tell you she's an orphan
after you meet her family
she paints her eyes as black as night now
pulls those shades down tight
yeah she gives a smile when the pain comes
the pain gonna make everything alright
says she talks to angels
they call her out by her name
oh yeah, she talks to angels
says they call her out by her name
she keeps a lock of hair in her pocket
she wears a cross around her neck
yes the hair is from a little boy
and the cross is someone she has not met
not yet
says she talks to angels
they call her out by her name
oh yeah, she talks to angels
says they call her out by her name
Says they all know her name
she don't know no lover
none that I ever see
yet to her that ain't nothing
but to me it means, means everything
she paints her eyes as black as night now
she pulls those shades down tight
oh yeah, there's a smile when the pain comes
the pain gonna make everything alright, all right
sábado, 19 de junho de 2010
Salve Don Diego Armando Maradona!

Friendly Fires - Skeleton Boy

I close my eyes on the dance floor
I forget about you
I lose myself in flashing colors
I've gotta see it through
You're too much,
I take it that we're over
Should we even care at all?
Too much, too much
Lets shake hands and say goodbye
Your love is out
Believing despite the loss
Give me your hand
Lets face this night and see it through
Right by my feet, lay broken glasses
You Skeleton Boy
Swept from the walls, drips on my shoulder
I gotta see it through
You're too much,
I take it that we're over
Should we even care at all?
Too much, too much
Lets shake hands and say goodbye
Before the sun comes out
Shake hands and say
Your love is out
Believing despite the loss
Give me your hand
Lets face this night and see it through
terça-feira, 15 de junho de 2010